Big Data

AR / Data

Data Storytelling with Augmented Analytics

Traditionally, traders have had to retrieve and review information from data terminals manually, scouring reams of information for various signals from which to draw their own conclusions. With augmented analytics, this workload is handled for them, providing pre-trade actionable insights in minutes, not hours. Harnessing the full potential of analytics entails more than just knowledge …

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CPG Data

Your CPG Customers Don’t Need More Data — They Need Answers

IT solution providers can endear themselves to CPG clients by bundling NLG tools with Business Intelligence dashboards. The pandemic impacted businesses in various ways over the past year. Within the consumer-packaged-goods (CPG) industry, for instance, some companies struggled to survive while others experienced never-before-seen spikes in consumer demand. The transition from responding to the pandemic …

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Data Analytics

CFOs Facing an Unprecedented Range of Risks Find an Edge in Analytics

CFOs are adapting to an unusually hazardous business landscape by forecasting with advanced data analytics. The coronavirus has compelled CFOs to build up resistance — not just to COVID-19 disruption but to other external risks such as cyber attacks, tariff wars and climate change. The pandemic underscored to CFOs the vulnerability of their companies to the …

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